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Day 9/Hike Day 7: Kirby Stephen to Keld

AKA...the bog in the fog hike!

This morning we woke up to power in Ravenstonedale, which was a welcome addition to an already fantastic destination. We had a marvelous breakfast: tea (of course), sourdough toast, yogurt with granola and black current preserves, and the most amazing croissant waffles with bananas, toasted pecans, and a mascarpone cream. Needless to say...we didn't eat lunch today.

Are croissant waffles a thing in the US? If they aren't, let's make them a thing, friends.

After a quick taxi ride back to Kirby Stephen, we started our hike with a climb up to Nine Standards Rigg, which is a) The summit of Hartley Fell and b)a group of 9 large and distinct cairns at said summit. No one really knows why they're there...based on the weather today, my best guess is they were for the shepherds to stand behind to stay out of the wind (howling around 40 mph today) and rain (which was horizontal).

A further treat awaited us after our foggy, blustery summit: the notorious peat bogs of the central dales. Navigating the bogs in the fog, wind, and rain proved to be an tricky but rather enjoyable (and definitely gratifying) practice. A big and well overdue shoutout to Barb/Mom here, who copied, cut, and laminated nearly 100 small maps for this journey: you can see them in action below!

We weren't lost, but the "trail" visability was...suboptimal.

Unfortunately due to the coordination speed required to cross the bog, no pictures were taken of the actual crossings. After the first couple crossings, we discovered that running across them at top speed with trekking poles for balance was a fantastic method. As Mrs. Weasley says to Harry when he crosses through to Platform 9 3/4 the first time, "Best to do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." In fact, the only time I got into trouble was when I was slogging through slow: one poor step a couple inches to the right of dad's, and I was up my knee in bog water. Fortunately we were only a few miles from Keld: our lodge here has an excellent drying room.

Right Leg - Got submerged in bog water up to knee. Left Leg - Did not

Boggy Brian

The rest of our hike was through our beloved rolling green dales: this was my first time spotting the famous dale cow houses, which are two story barns in nearly every stone paddock. They dot the horizon in the picture below. The town of Keld had a very helpful infographic about them, which I will post below.

Our arrival in Keld marked our official halfway point on the Coast to Coast trail. We celebrated with ice cream, naturally, and greatly anticipate tomorrow, where we head on to Reeth via Muker.

Until tomorrow!

Kelsey and Brian

Step Count: 27,700

Miles Hiked Today: 11.44 miles (this may have been a Strava error: we were supposed to hike over 13 miles and I don't think we took any shortcuts through the bog)

Elevation: 2010 ft

Time Hiking: 4 hours 3 minutes

New UK Breeds Seen today:

Shorthorn Cattle

Gypsy Vanner Horses

Bog Monsters (probably, but it was too foggy to really tell if they were there)

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Sep 18, 2023

I’ve been loving following your travels! SO impressed by your hiking. And adore your animal and food descriptions. Thanks for sharing!


Barb DeLand
Sep 18, 2023

Congratulations on finding a resourceful way to navigate the bogs and on reaching the 1/2 way point on the Coast to Coast trail.

Loved the Keld Lodge picture in a picture. Thanks Brooks and Diane for the great shirts and the memories!!


Sep 18, 2023

Ok, who had Day 9 in the pool for when the first Harry Potter reference would be made? I had Day 0.5

Sep 19, 2023
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The bogs were very LoTR-esque. I was waiting for Gollum to appear at any moment, honestly. I'm not deep enough into Star Wars for that reference: I need Levi's help! However, I have been saying, "This is the way" every time I have to navigate us with the maps...unfortuantely Dad hasn't seen The Mandalorian yet so the reference is kind of lost on him :(


Sep 17, 2023

A picture is worth a thousand words!! 😘 Diane ... Keep up the good work!


Sep 17, 2023

I love all your food pictures! British food used to have a bad reputation, but your pictures make it all look delicious!

Sep 19, 2023
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It's improved greatly: I have been quite surprised and impressed by the food here! Not that there aren't still some questionable items...frech fry sandwiches (or "chip buttys") still mystify me :)

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