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Day 11/Hike Day 9: Reeth to Richmond

Today was one of our shortest days on the trail, but we were treated to all of the weather the dales could offer in the span of four hours. Our hike started in a rain shower, which then progressed to horizontal rain and wind, to 40 mph wind, then to sunny and pleasant. I don't believe I will ever complain about the fickleness of Michigan's weather ever again.

Nevertheless, we had fun! Though low in mileage, this hike took us through lush woods, into ancient priories, and over grassy dales before depositing us in the bustling market town of Richmond.

Our hike first took us past (but not into) Marrick Priory, a Bennedictine nunnery established in the 1100s. We did, however, get to climb the Nun's Steps, which are 365-ish stone steps in a wood that lead towards Richmond. One theory is that they were placed daily over a single year by the nuns as a form of penance. While a bit slick today, they were a welcome sight on what otherwise would have been a muddy slick of a trail.

Mrs. Holstein cow grazing in the rain in front of the priory

A few of the Nun's Steps

After emerging from the wood, we were greeted by some of the highest winds we've experienced thus far. Fortunately it was a tailwind, blowing us onward at a quick clip. Wind doesn't photograph particularly well, but this video should do nicely.

We were happy to get a break from the wind, ducking into the Church of St. Edmund the Martyr. Also founded in the 1100s, this was just a little place tucked away in the town of Marske. They offered a snack bar for hikers, which was very kind, but with plenty of food in our packs we did not take part. The KitKats were tempting, though!

We arrived in Richmond with the sun at our backs, and enjoyed strolling the streets and enjoying the beautiful gardens, architecture, and shops.

Sun through the trees and ferns just outside of Richmond.

Grey Friar's Tower in central Richmond

Just a few of the beautiful flowers around the tower.

Some impressive local architecture

A shop dog chilling in the window...she was awfully cute!

Arrival at Willance Guest House, our home for the night

In case you wanted the backstory of our guest house's previous's a doozy!

We particularly enjoyed stopping in "The Cheese Press", and were able to pick up a couple of local cheeses: Stonebeck Wensleydale and Swaledale Blue. Both were delectable and difficult to stop eating during our afternoon break. We also stopped by the local pub for a beer for dad and some horse racing on the telly for Kelsey. It was a hopping place and unfortunately I neglecgted to get a photo due to all of the excitement with the races.

Browsing (and tasting :) ) the selection at The Cheese Press. 10/10 would recommend

The perfect afternoon snack

We're off to dinner now at a local Indian place: while Indian food is indeed delicious, it is not so photogenic, so I'll end the blog here for the evening. Tomorrow we take on our longest hike of the trip thus far: 23 miles to Ingleby Cross!

Until tomorrow!

Kelsey and Brian

Step Count: 27,413

Miles Hiked Today: 11.64miles

Elevation: 1297 ft

Time Hiking/Buying Cheese: 4 hours even

New UK Breeds Seen Today: Balwen Welsh Mountain Sheep (I'll try and get a better picture of them tomorrow: they are very cute little black sheep with white blazes on their faces!)

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Trevor DeLand
Trevor DeLand
Sep 20, 2023

The cheese looks awesome and the flowers are doing a lot better than ours! The nun's steps look straight out of a brochure!


Barb DeLand
Sep 19, 2023

That was windy, Wow!

Love your snack. Looks delish!!

Hope you have some clearer weather for a while!! New trails for dad from here on out.


Meg Murdock
Sep 19, 2023

I will be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the Balwen Welsh Mountain Sheep! And will the be cuter than the swaledale🤔

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